Jeremy Vine introduces Radio 2's audio journey through the years from 1951 to 2000, helping listeners to relive the music, news, radio, TV and movies of the times.
1979 - 20/10/11
is the year of Oliver's Army, the Eton Rifles and Blair Peach. Britain experiences its winter of discontent and gets its first million-pound footballer. And there are two new political leaders: Mrs Thatcher and the Ayatollah. The Boomtown Rats don't like Mondays, Pink Floyd don't need no education and Madness are One Step Beyond.
1980 - 27/10/11 ?
1981 - 03/11/11
the year of The Specials' Ghost Town and riots in Brixton and Toxteth. The New Romantics arrive to brighten up the clubs, there's some saucy skirt-ripping at Eurovision and a new political party is shaking up Westminster.
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